Kamu dapat menusukkan pisau pada seseorang, lalu mencabut pisau itu… Tetapi tidak peduli beberapa kali kamu minta maaf, luka itu akan tetap ada.. dan luka karena kata-kata adalah sama buruknya dengan luka fisik…”
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Factor-factor that influence cycle of front activity shovel is capacities loads bucket, movement bucket with payload, cargo discharging and movement empty bucket. For fairish bucket between 2,3 till 3,8 m3s, time of front cycle shovel is following.
a). time loads : 7 till 9 second
b). rotary time with payload : 4 till 6 second
c). time unloads : 2 till 4 second
d). Time reruns : 4 till 5 second
Whereas front productivity shovel depend on significant type, dig height, rotation angle;corner, big tool transports, and others.
2. Backhoe
Operation backhoe generally for channel dig, tunnel; cutting or basement. Backhoe consist of activator tool that can be in the form of crawler or tyre, boom, strick and bucket. Wheeled Backhoe usually not used for dig but rather often used for other job. Capacities Election bucket backhoe must in accordance with job that will be conducted.
Backhoe same as front shovel where significant type influences didalam productivity calculation. Determination of cycle time backhoe is relied on capacities election bucket
B. Dragline
Dragline is tool digs that weared to dig laid at significant more tall from surface of tool place referred exists with further range from tools dig other. Elementary Tool from dragline is bucket that paired at boom. Length boom dragline same as crane however longer then stability dragline is must reckoned.
Dragline find difficultieses in controlling cargo discharging. In consequence, better tool of significant conveyor that weared to transport significant of dig result king sized dragline. Size of conveyor tool better 5 till 6 times the size of bucket dragline.
Productivity dragline depend on factor-faktor like significant, deepness penggalain, angle;corner swing, size bucket, length boom, capacities of conveyor tool, field condition and others. Tool Productivity is counted/calculated at condition of genuiness land/ground or bank condition.
C. Clamshell
Clamshell are used for free land/ground dig like sand, gravel, rock breaks, and others. Clamsheel lifts significant in vertical. Size bucket at clamshell vary between light till heavy. Light Bucket are generally used to move metarial, whereas bucket that used to dig. At bucket that generally paired tooth that help tool in diging significant.
Productivity Calculation clamshell have not yet standaritation, in consequence, then productivity equation for clamshell is ;
Sumber :
Alat Berat untuk Proyek Konstruksi
Penulis : Susi Fatena R
Produktivitas = V x 60/CT x BEF x efisiensi
1 = kondisi baik
2 = kondisi sedang
3 = kondisi buruk
C. Pusher (Alat Pendorong)
Pemakaian alat Bantu atau pusher pada scraper didalam operasinya dapat menaikan produktivitas alat. Waktu siklus pusher adalah waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memuat material kedalam scraper ditambah waktu yang dibutuhkan pusher untuk bergerak dari satu scraper ke scraper yang lain. Waktu siklus (dalam menit) dicari dengan menggunakan rumus :
CTp = 140% x LTs + 0,25
Jumlah scraper yang dapat dibantu oleh sebuah pusher adalah :
N = CTs/CTp
D. Peningkatan Produktivitas Scraper
Beberapa cara yang dapat dilakukan untuk meningkatkan produksi scraper didalam operasinya antara lain :
1. Pertama dengan menggemburkan tanah yang akan dimuat ke dalam bowl. Dengan demikian waktu muat akan berkurang. Kedalaman penetrasi dari riper harus lebih besar dari kedalaman penetrasi cutting edge.
2. Dengan membasahi tanah yang akan diangkut. Dilakukan sebelum dimuat ke dalam bowl
3. Memuat material pada kondisi menurun juga merupakan salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produksi scraper.
The above is true some proper search engines your try to look for driver, tools, program, song and files that lainya that you require. Update continues our knowledge, and hopefully useful… (from various of sources)